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Custom Dashboards


The Custom Dashboard feature allows the administrator to create new dashboards. The dashboards can use various design using the templates available and choose data bricks / widgets to be displayed in the selected design templates.

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Adding/Editing Dashboards

Custom Dashboard can be created and managed by Custom Dashboard module which can assessed by System Administration section.

Navigate to Configuration Management > System Administration > Custom Dashboards

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To add a new custom dashboard, click on “Ädd” button and to edit click on the edit button in front of specific dashboard.

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On Click Add or Edit a new form will be available which has the following inputs

Custom Dashboard Name: Name of the custom dashboard.

Template: Style of Template to be used for the custom dashboard.

Allowed User Roles: User Roles which can access this custom dashboard.

Module Name: Name of the ecosystem module where this custom dashboard will be visible. The custom dashboard will be automatically added to Home section of this selected module.

Widgets – The widgets that would be visible on the dashboard. The number of widgets depend on the template selected.

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  Widget Configuration option can be used to change the available configuration of the widget and title of the widget. To modify the configuration, click on the clog icon in from of the required widget dropdown.

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In case you would need to revert to original configuration, simply click on Load Default button.

Custom Widgets


Current Booking Demand By Project (Top 10)This widget allows the user to view the demand of system instances from active bookings by project.
Current Booking Demand By System Instance (Top 10)This widget allows the user to view the demand of system instances from active bookings by system instance.
Booking Request Trend (Last 6 Months)This widget allows you to view the trend of booking requests received per month.
Active Booking StatusThis widget allows the user to view the summary of active bookings status.
Active Confirmed Booking TotalThis widget allows you to view the total of all active confirmed bookings.
Active Unconfirmed Booking TotalThis widget allows you to view the total of all active unconfirmed bookings.
Booking Requests (Last 12 Months) TotalThis widget allows you to view the total of booking requests received per month.
Active Booking TotalThis widget allows the user to view the total of active bookings.
System Instance Booking Usage SummaryThis widget allows the user to view the overall system instance booking usage in a particular time period.
Booking Status SummaryThis widget allows the user to view the summary of status of bookings in a particular time period.
User Booking Request ActivityThis widget allows you to view summary of number of booking requests raised by users.
System Instance UsageThis widget allows you to view usage of system instances based on bookings for a particular system.
Environment Booking Demand ForecastThis widget allows you to view and compare current active booking total with bookings in next 3 months for each environment in a bar graph.
Current Active Environment BookingsThis widget allows you to view current active environment bookings in a gantt style view.
Environment UsageThis widget allows you to view the environment usage within a selected timeframe.


Unavailable System ComponentsThis widget allows the user to view unavailable system components.
Unavailable System InstancesThis widget allows the user to view unavailable system instances.
System Instance TagsThis widget allows you to view tag information for the selected system instance.
System Instance Tag MatrixThis widget allows you to view tag information for the selected system instance.
Active Environment TotalThis widget allows you to view the total of all active environments.
Active System TotalThis widget allows you to view the total of all active systems.
Active System Instance TotalThis widget allows you to view the total of all active system instances.
Active System Component TotalThis widget allows you to view the total of all active components.
CMDB OverviewThis widget allows you to view summary for CMDB.
System Instance Status OverviewThis widget allows you to view a chart view of System Instance status.
System Instance Status Overview by Business UnitThis widget allows you to view a chart view of System Instance status.
System Instance CompositionThis widget provided a overview composition of systems instances by type.
System Environment CompositionThis widget provides a report of System instances those are associated with the environment and system.
Dependency WheelThis widget provides a graphical representation of dependencies.
Environment CompositionThis widget provides a report of System instances those are associated with the environment and system based on the configuration.
System CompositionThis widget provides a report of current version, label, and microservices those are associated with the environment and system based on the configuration.
Tag CompositionThis widget provides a report of current tags those are associated with each system.
Components By Environment NameThis widget provides detail of system components for selected environment.
Deployed PackageThis widget provides detail of deployed package in the environment.
System Summary By Business UnitThis widget provides an overview of system instance total by business unit and system.


Environment Event TrendThis widget allows user to view the number of environment events in an environment.
Upcoming Planned EventsThis widget allows you to view upcoming planned environment events.
Active Event Summary By StatusThis widget allows you to view summary of active events by status.
Active Events Summary By EnvironmentThis widget allows you to view summary of active events by environment.
Active Events Summary By System InstanceThis widget allows you to view summary of active events by system instance.
Active Events Summary By TypeThis widget allows you to view summary of active events by event type.
Current Active Event CalendarThis widget allows you to view current active events in a calendar style view.
EnvEvent Summary By Business Unit & TypeThis widget provides an overview of env events total by business unit and env event type during the selected timeframe.
EnvEvent Summary By Business Unit & Assigned To TeamThis widget provides an overview of env events total by business unit and assigned to during the selected timeframe.
Average Event Cycle Time TrendThis widget allows you to view trend of closed Event along with average cycle time to process the event.
Unplanned Outage Events By System with Passed and Closed StatusThis widget shows the unplanned outage hours by each system.

Data Compliance

Data Source PII Splatter HeatmapThis widget provided an overview of PII presence in data sources.
Data Source Audit StatusThis widget provided a summary of scan status for data sources in selected timeframe.
Data Source PII Heatmap By SystemThis widget provided a heatmap of PII in data sources by system.
Data Source Execution TrendThis widget provided a summary of executions within the selected timeframe along with average runtime.
Data Source PII Summary By SystemThis widget provided a summary of PII in data sources by system.
Data Source Scan Remediation Status ReportThis widget provides a report of remediation status for data sources.
Executive Scan SummaryThis widget provides a summary of executive scan summary.
Data SourcesThis widget allows you to view the total number of data sources.


Custom HTML BoxThis widget allows you to create a widget with your own HTML code.
Custom Data TableThis widget allows you to create your own datatable from ecosystem class and defined conditions.
Custom Small WidgetThis widget allows you to create your own small widget from ecosystem class and defined conditions.
Custom Data ViewThis widget allows you to view data from your custom data sql.
Custom Column ChartThis widget allows you to create your own column chart from ecosystem class and defined conditions.
Custom Bar ChartThis widget allows you to create your own bar chart from ecosystem class and defined conditions.
Iframe Third Party URLThis widget allows you to create your own iframe based on provided URL.
Custom CalendarThis widget allows you to create your own custom calendar.
Custom Column Chart With Grid ViewThis widget allows you to create your own column chart including grid view tab from ecosystem class and defined conditions.
Custom Bar Chart With Grid ViewThis widget allows you to create your own bar chart including grid view tab from ecosystem class and defined conditions.
Custom Data Table With Date FilterThis widget allows you to create your own data table based on selected timeline from ecosystem class and defined conditions.
Custom Fact Sheet Bar ChartThis widget allows you to create your own fact sheet bar chart from ecosystem class and defined conditions.
Custom Fact Sheet Bar Chart With Grid ViewThis widget allows you to create your own fact sheet bar chart including grid view tab from ecosystem class and defined conditions.


URL LinksThis widget allows you to create quick url links to any third party websites or applications.
Quick LinksThis widget allows you to create quick URL links to any third-party websites or applications.
Metric Data Table ViewThis widget allows you to view data from metric table.
Ecosystem Class Object TrendThis widget allows you to view summary of number of objects in different classes.


In-Scope ProjectsThis widget allows you to view list of active projects which are in in-scope status.
Project System DemandThis widget allows you to view the demand of systems by projects in the selected timeframe.


User Service Request ActivityThis widget allows you to view summary of number of service requests raised by users.
Service Request Trend (Last 6 Months)This widget allows you to view the trend of service requests received per month.
Active LeanSR Summary By TypeThis widget allows you to view summary of active service requests by type.
Active LeanSR Summary By System InstanceThis widget allows you to view summary of active service requests by system instance.
Active LeanSR Summary By StatusThis widget allows you to view summary of active service requests by status.
LeanSR Summary By Business Unit & TypeThis widget provided an overview of total number of LeanSR by type and status for a business unit in the selected timeframe.
LeanSR Trend By TypeThis widget allows you to view count of LeanSR by type in the selected timeframe.
Average Lean

SR Cycle Time Trend | This widget allows you to view trend of closed LeanSR along with average cycle time to process the request. |


Workitem Trend By TypeThis widget allows you to view the percentage distribution trend of workitems per month by type.
Active Workitem DistributionThis widget allows you to view summary of open workitems.
Average Workitem Cycle Time TrendThis widget allows you to view trend of closed workitems.
Active Workitem Distribution By System (Top 20)This widget allows you to view summary of open workitems by system.
Release Workitem InsightThis widget provides detail of all the workitems for the selected release.

Third Party Applications

JIRA Data WidgetThis widget allows you to view the data from JIRA based on the configuration.
SERVICENOW Data WidgetThis widget allows you to view the data from Sericenow based on the configuration.
JENKINS Project Data WidgetThis widget allows you to view the data of each jenkins project based on the configuration.

Data Mart

CSV ViewThis widget allows you to view csv data in tabular format.
JSON Data MartThis widget allows you to view json files in a folder.
Data MartThis widget allows you to view json files in a folder.


BBOT Status CountThis widget allows you to create your own small widget to display BBOT status count.
BBOT ListingThis widget allows you to view BBOT listing.


Automation BrickThis widget allows you to create your own script dashboard based on selected script.

Data Compliance

Data Source PII Splatter HeatmapThis widget provided a overview of PII presence in data sources.
Data Source Audit StatusThis widget provided a summary of scan status for data sources in selected timeframe.
Data Source PII Heatmap By SystemThis widget provided a heatmap of PII in data sources by system.
Data Source Execution TrendThis widget provided a summary of executions within the selected timeframe along with average runtime.
Data Source PII Summary By SystemThis widget provided a summary of PII in data sources by system.
Data Source Scan Remediation Status ReportThis widget provides a report of remediation status for data sources.
Executive Scan SummaryThis widget provides a summary of executive scan summary.
Data SourcesThis widget allows you to view the total number of data sources.