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TDM 2.6 Release Notes

· One min read
Jake Cave

What's New

Meta Scanning

  • Meta scanning now displays the matched category instead of "found."

Import/Export Configurations

  • Import and export of configurations are now available, facilitating faster bulk updates.


  • Added filters to various reports.
  • Included row count in profile reports.



  • Resolved issue with column collection when columns contained special characters (e.g., $ or [).


  • Fixed bug where values were not correctly replaced with NULL fields.
  • Corrected Teradata .csv report issue related to decimal data lengths.
  • Fixed issue where CLOB and NCLOB types could be profiled in Oracle.
  • Addressed bug where cancelling profiling did not stop the process under certain conditions.
  • Fixed issue where disabling triggers did not affect all existing triggers.