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Platform Overview

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The Enov8 Environment Management (EM) Suite focusses on a Holistic approach to IT & Test Environment Management utilising the Environment Management Maturity Index (EMMi) as a framework.The EM suite is designed with a modular structure, allowing optional features that are not essential to the core solution to be disabled if they are not relevant to your organization.


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You can also utilise the Request Access link to fill out a form to streamline your access to the solution.
Note that the Request Access function will create an inactive user and raise a notification for your system administrator to approve the newly created user account.

General Navigation

Once Logged in you will be presented with the Landing Page in the main section as well as the following areas.

  1. Navigation Tree – Menu for Navigating between the various Dashboards, Reports and Management areas within the solution modules.
  2. Global Search– For searching for all occurrences of a certain string. E.g., Database.
  3. Toolbar & Help – For accessing various user and administrative functions including Help documentation for the solution.
  4. Quick Links – Third Party links to access quickly. These can be edited by Edit Button on the home page by admin.
  5. Enov8 Compass – Quick Link to Enov8 Ecosystem Reports & Forms.

By clicking on the navigation icon in the top left icon, the navigation tree will be expanded. From here you can Search for any functionality that matches a certain string e.g., “Booking”. You can also open any of the Dashboards, Reports or Management screens by selecting them in the navigation tree.

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Note: Certain modules or functionality may be disabled for your organisation or user role.

You can at any time search for all objects that match a certain value.

Example: Searching for an application name like “GDW” will bring up all objects relating to GDW.

You can clear the search by navigating away from the Search Result screen or clicking the clear filter icon to the right of the global search bar.

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Toolbar & Help

The table below describes what each icon and function does within the solution.

Alt textHomepage Link
Alt textFavourites/unfavourites the current screen in the search section of the navigation tree.
Alt textShows notifications and objects that have recently been modified by other users.
Alt textAllows a user to download a screenshot or generates a link to certain dashboards and reports so users can view the report or dashboard without requiring user access.
Alt textProvides links to online help and support as well as internal pages on user permissions, API information and workflows.
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  • Opens a user dropdown menu for viewing/managing the following.
  • Current logged in user information is displayed at the top.
  • Unsubscriptions: Manage notifications that the current user has unsubscribed from.
  • Approval Requests: Lean service requests pending approval (If enabled).
  • Reset Password: Allows the logged in user to reset their password.
  • User Timezone: Adjusts the currently logged in users timezone settings.
  • User Logout: Logs the current user out.

Quick Links provide easy access to third-party URLs and can be edited by the admin using the Edit button on the home page.

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Enov8 Compass

Quick Link to Enov8 Ecosystem Reports & Forms.

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