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· 4 min read
Rohit Gupta

What's New

Fact Sheets

Fact sheets allows to capture platform insights to support broader decision making & governance operations. For Example: Resilience, Compliance, Security, App Stack.

Additionally, the fact sheets can also function as a quick editor

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Release Board

Introducing a new dashboard designed for stakeholders and release managers to monitor the current state of releases within their organization. This dashboard allows users to delve into specific statistics by clicking on the relevant elements.. Alt text

BBOT Health Monitoring Agent

We have expanded our ecosystem platform to include BBOT Health Monitoring agent management. This new feature enables users to create and manage BBOT monitoring tests and schedule them directly within the platform under the Orchestration Management module. Alt text

New Custom Widgets

The following new custom widgets has been added

Dependancy Wheel

This new innovative widget visualizes system dependencies, allowing users to hover over a system to view its dependencies.

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Configure your own BBOT Dashboard to review the latest execution status of health monitoring tests.

Changes & Enhancements


The Lean Service Requests now include an "In Progress" status to better track ongoing requests.

Environment Calendar

Enhancements to the calendar view now include a system filter, enabling users to filter data based on system selection.

Runsheet Kanban

The runsheet kanban task view has been enhanced to show history of changes that has been actioned on the selected task.

Information Template Management

  • Enhanced bulk upload feature now enables the import of questionnaires from CSV files.
  • Added support for creating templates for Systems and LeanSR SubTypes.

Release / Project Environment View


Release / Project Environment view report has been enhanced with new filters for Release, Project & System.


The new customisations allows to enhance this report and customise the color of the Go Live Date.

Scale Unit

Introduced a new scale "Week (Days)" in the Gantt view that displays data grouped by weeks, with a subscale showing individual days. This allows for a more detailed and organized view of the timeline, making it easier to track daily progress within each week.

Manage Milestone

A new feature "Shift Activity" has been added to the management console of the release and project milestone module which allows user to shift all the activities to a new start date, preserving their relative time offsets.

Bulk Upload

The bulk upload section has been enhanced to support the uploading of work items. Additionally, it now allows you to select the input date format used in the import files.

Release / Project Activity

The release and project activity reports have been relocated to the management section to improve the user experience.

Manage Implementation Plans

A new feature "Shift Task" has been added to the management console of the implementation plan module which allows user to shift all the tasks to a new start date, preserving their relative time offsets.

Data Management

The Data Compliance module has been renamed to Data Management to better reflect its expanded capabilities.

Data Management Hub

A new subsection, replacing the Profile, Mask, and Validation sections, provides a unified view for all data management operations, configuration management, and insights.

Configuration Management

Enhancements to the Manage Configuration feature now provide more detailed options for users to configure their data operations at an advanced level.


Masking and Validation reports have been updated to include the total scan time for each column.

Config Library

A new feature in the Config Library allows users to test custom masking functions by inputting parameters or lookups as needed.

· 3 min read
Jake Cave

3.4 Major Release Items

What's New

SSL Support

  • Users can now connect to databases using custom SSL certificates.
  • For MSSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL

Regex Database Masking

  • Inclusion of an integrated function to manage regex generation.
  • A user can place their required regex in the parameter field to create fabricated regex data.

Cross Table Conditional Masking

  • Masking based on cross table relationships. This will join two columns to mask the correct PII. This can be enabled using the parameters field


    col|=|value||chunk (optional)|external_table|table_ref|cond_table_ref

Changes and Enhancements

Database Masking - MySQL

  • Skip columns with constraints such as: Primary key Unique key Foreign key
  • By default fixed value masking will now not use chunking. To enable chunking use the parameters field in the masking config

TDM Report - Template Changes

  • Enhancements for better visualisation of the database life cycle.
  • Additional graphs and diagrams to view the database life cycle.


Profile MSSQL

  • Resolved an issue where tables where being skipped due to exceeding the holding byte size variable.

DB Masking

  • Oracle Resolved a logs issue where it stated triggers could not be disabled when in fact there was no triggers. Fixed an issue where table or view could not be found due oracle version incompatibility.

  • MySQL Resolved an issue where the conditional masking configuration for the 'Address' column in the 'where' clause was ambiguous.

  • Custom Functions Fixed an issue where fullname custom function could not be run with other custom functions.

DB Validation

  • Fixed an issue where trailing space was not trimmed before validating the last 4 digits against the lookup value.


  • Resolved an error where column generation failed when the data length was undefined.

Data Source

  • Fixed an error where special characters where being filtered out in the schema name.


  • Removal of pattern Encrypt One to One


Release Date: 1st March 2024



  • MSSQL Fixed an issue where columns with empty information were not being skipped
  • MYSQL Resolved a profile issue in the latest version of MySQL by adding additional support to exclude table type 'views' in databases

DB Masking

  • Oracle Fixed an issue where detailed error logs were not being displayed when using the oracle function 'dbms_parallel'
  • MSSQL Resolved an issue where date was out of range due to the way small-datetime behaves It requires data to be the year 1900 and later.


  • MSSQL Resolved a syntax error when creating tables.

TDM Report Generator

  • Corrected logic for folders and output file generation


  • Others_HashLast4Digits Fixed an issue where masked data generation failed when the source data's last 4 digits were alphabetical values
  • Drivers_LicenseManyToOne Corrected an issue wherein pattern name failed to correspond with function name


Release Date: 18th March 2024



  • Oracle Resolved an issue where a case sensitive search was being used for schemas

DB Masking

  • Firstname Many to One Fixed an edge case where encoded source values were not being adjusted before masking.
  • Parameter Checks Resolved an edge case where conditional masking was attempted due to empty string conditions.
  • Oracle Fixed an issue, so constraint types, listed below, are ignored: Primary Key Unique Key Foreign Key
  • MySQL Performance improvements by no longer using order methods.

File Masking

  • JSON Resolved an error when using fixed value masking.

· 3 min read
Rohit Gupta

What's New

Availability Trend

This new widget in System Instance insight offers a technical assessment of the application's availability by tracking and displaying its uptime and downtime trends over a specified period.

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Additionally, it calculates and presents the total availability percentage for the duration, providing valuable insights into system reliability.


Introducing the "Cancelled" status for tracking cancelled requests


New Parameters Added: Retrieve data based on the last modification date using "modified_start_time" and "modified_end_time."


With this new feature, you can seamlessly capture and define objectives related to releases, program increments, and projects. This functionality enables you to establish clear goals, monitor progress, and align your initiatives with strategic objectives, ensuring a more organized and goal-oriented approach to your work.


A new feature enabling the archiving of data for LeanSR, Environment Event, Bookings, and Workitems. Archive criteria can be configured based on creation date and status.

New Custom Widgets

The following new custom widgets has been added

Custom Calendar

Design your own calendar based on defined conditions, with the option to customize colors.

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Custom Column Chart

Create personalized column-style chart widgets with custom conditions.

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Custom Bar Chart

Generate customized bar-style chart widgets with custom-defined conditions.

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Custom Column Chart with Grid View

Create column-style chart widgets with grid views based on custom conditions.

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Custom Bar Chart With Grid View

Design column-style chart widgets with grid views using custom conditions.

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Environment Instance Composition By Type

View the current health of environment instances grouped by system types.

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Environment Instance Summary by Business Unit

Observe the current health of environment instances grouped by business units.

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Custom Data Table with Date Filter

Build custom data tables equipped with date filters.

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Data Mart

Create a data directory view to access outputs or files in a shared server location.

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Automation Brick

Develop a user interface for end-users, enabling on-demand execution of automation scripts.

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Changes & Enhancements

Service Request Form Enhancements


Automatic inclusion of PM or System Instance Team as approvers, depending on the request type.


Service Requests linked to bookings will undergo validation to ensure they are within the booking timeline.

Environment Field

Now configurable as mandatory for specified request types.

Environment Dashboard

The Environment Composition widget has been replaced with two new widgets: "Environment Instance Composition By Type" and "Environment Instance Summary by Business Unit."

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These new widgets offer enhanced insights into your environment landscape, providing more comprehensive data and analysis options.

DateTime Search Enhancement

Management reports have been enhanced to include a DateTime Search feature, allowing users to search and filter records using column-specific search criteria while enabling date selection for refined data retrieval.

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Active User Details

The Ecosystem Console report for Active User Details has been upgraded to offer comprehensive insights into user login details, along with a summary of platform utilization frequency by users.

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URL Widget

The URL Widget has been enhanced to provide you with the ability to create quick links to various Enov8 reports and forms.

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· 3 min read
Jake Cave

3.3 Major Release Items

What's New

Fabrication - Profiling/Multi-table Output Support

  • Users can now link and filter by data configuration using the associated profiling output/config.
  • Additionally, configurations can be directly generated from profiling results.
  • Multiple Tables and Files can now be generated.

TDM Overview Report Generator

  • DCS now offers the capability to produce a summary report, covering profiling, masking, validation, and other scans tailored to a DB data connection.
  • The comprehensive report can help streamline analysis, decision-making, and communication for project stakeholders. For the time being, this feature is exclusively available via the API.

Validation - Dual Configuration Support

  • The validation scan has been upgraded to support both the existing validation configuration and the new masking configuration.
  • Users now have the ability to choose the masking config instead of the validation config, in order to ensure that the right columns are effectively masked and checked.

API Endpoints

  • Added database load and backup


Custom Masking Functions

  • Python scripts can now be deployed directly via the data library in Ecosystem UI.
  • Users can update/delete their custom function scripts.

Fabrication - Generate Schema Structure

  • Added the ability to generate schema structures. With this update, a create schema field when checked, will automatically establish tables and their respective structures.

Pattern Finder

  • Outliers have been excluded from the standard deviation calculation to enhance precision.
  • Additionally, any duplicate indexes identified have been systematically replaced with uniformly spaced values to ensure accuracy.


Task Manager

  • Fixed an error that caused special characters for URL to be double encoded.

DB Masking


  • Fixed escaping backslash for UNISTR function.
  • Fixed an inconsistency with masking full names that began with spaces.


  • Resolved an issue where the conditional masking configuration for the 'Address' column in the 'where' clause was ambiguous.


  • Improved function definitions and calls for better consistency and reduced errors.

DB Validation

  • Added support for TOP N function with DISTINCT in Teradata.

File Masking


  • Resolved an issue where the XML masking process completed successfully, but did not generate the corresponding masked file based on unique constraints.


  • Fixed an error where File Profile report request could return a 400 error.

MSSQL - Performance Update

  • The query responsible for retrieving tables and columns in MSSQL has been optimized. Users can now expect faster and more efficient performance.

Expanded Null Exclusion List

  • The null exclusion list, previously exclusive to delimited file masking, has been expanded to all database types.

Mask Functions

  • Fixed an error where the masked credit card number was being truncated to 5 digits.


Data Subsetting

  • Data Subsetting has now been decommissioned.

· 2 min read
Rohit Gupta

What's New

Connectivity Diagrams

We are thrilled to introduce a major improvement to this feature. Users can now model environments comprehensively, both at the system and interface levels. What makes this update truly invaluable is that this information will flow seamlessly into the system instances and environment views. This automation not only enhances efficiency but also prevents users from having to replicate the same data across various environments, ultimately saving valuable time in the diagram creation process.


Users now possess the capability to attach files to their existing Projects, Bookings, Environment Events, and Service Requests through our detailed editor.


We have enhanced our blueprint capability and have added an array of exciting new features:

  • Third-Party URL Links
  • Link & Navigate to Existing Blueprints
  • Quick Insight View

Changes & Enhancements


  • Added Severity & Root Cause Property.
  • Pending Status has been added

Service Request Form

  • End Date has been removed for environment incidents.

Email Sender Name

This functionality enables users to customize the sender's name in emails to match the user's contact name, providing a more personalized and user-centric email experience.

Custom Dashboards

New templates and widgets have been added to support new designs, including:

  • 1 Banner, 2 Large Widgets
  • 2 Large Widgets
  • 3 Large Widgets
  • 4 Large Widgets

Custom Widgets:

  • Data Mart
  • Custom Column Chart
  • Custom Bar Chart
  • iFrame Third Party URL

My Business Unit

We have extended our Business Unit filter capability to further new reports, forms and custom data widgets.

Orchestration Manager

We have relocated all automation scripts to the client folder. Please note that this modification will affect the webhook, which requires updating.


Added Severity & Root Cause Property. Pending Status has been added

Service Request Form

End Date has been removed for environment incidents.

· 3 min read
Jake Cave

3.2 Major Release Items

What's New

Data Subsetting Module

  • Data Subsetting streamlines data while upholding database rules. Therefore, removing unnecessary data whilst preserving the database integrity.

Profile Config - New "Scan by Column" Configuration Field

  • DCS can now perform a deep scan of each non-null column instead of the whole table.

Wildcard Support

  • Users now have the option to specify a wildcard file format (either as prefix or suffix) in data source connection.

Auto Retrieval of Date Format

  • All DB types now automatically retrieve date format from the database. Also added default date format to auto-generated mask config.

JSON Schema Support

  • Users can now specify a schema file for JSON files in data source connection to be used for profiling and masking.

Custom Functions

  • Ecosystem generated custom functions have now been migrated to the DCS database. Now, users can easily access, edit, and update these functions through the Ecosystem UI in the data library.

Note: While you can create new custom functions, please keep in mind that editing or altering base functions is not supported.



  • Added new endpoints to allow for backup and restoration of MongoDB data.

Enhanced Masking Logs

  • Added "ERROR" prefix to previously unlabelled failed stages for increased clarity.

Data Subsetting

  • Users can enable the “leave on failure” field which deletes the schema on any error.


Data Catalogue

  • Resolved data catalogue error when scanning Teradata 17.20+.
  • Added error handling for unsupported file types.

DB Profiling

  • Added bytes limit for DeepScan profiling.

DB Masking

  • Added error handling for incorrect configs.
  • Added chunking to fixed value masking.


  • Fixed issue of temp column not being deleted in version 17.0.
  • Improved error handling when collecting triggers.
  • Updated ODBC version to improve Linux compatibility.


  • Now changing indexes to invisible instead of unusable prior to masking.


  • Fixed defect where mask report was displaying incorrect pattern name.
  • Fixed defect regarding date formatting errors.
  • Fixed potential issue of special character replacement.

File Masking

  • Updated partial masking to remove trailing spaces in source values for telephone numbers.
  • Fixed intermittent issue of error messages not showing up on XML/JSON mask report.


  • Added specific error handling for missing masked files.


  • Added error messages for when no constraints are found in fixed value masking.

File Profiling


  • Fixed duplicated messages showing up in the log file.
  • Fixed percentage completed being reset for every new file.


  • Added further error handling for running scans on unsupported data types.

Mask Functions

  • Added further handling for scenarios where source value is the same as masked value.


  • Nothing has been decommissioned.

· 3 min read
Rohit Gupta

What's New


Users now have the ability to attach files to Projects, Bookings, Environment Events, and Service Requests via forms. The maximum file size allowed is 2 MB.


Introducing the ability to create environment blueprints and personalized environment process diagrams.


A new feature in DevOps Manager empowers users to create custom visual automation pipelines

DevOps Addons

Pre-built integration addons are now available to enhance your DevOps library.

Homepage Themes

Users can now personalize their homepage view by selecting from a variety of themes such as Classic, Release, and TDM

My Business Unit

This feature enables users to associate themselves with their respective business units, providing filter options on reports that allow viewing data specific to their business units.

Changes & Enhancements

Connectivity View

System Dependency view option has been added in this report to allow users to view system to system relationship.

Project Environment View

Project Filter has been added to provide more filter options.

Enhanced Reports

Several reports have been revamped with a fresh new look, including:

  • Manage WorkItems (Project Management >> Management)
  • Access Management (Configuration Management >> Add Data)
  • Booking Approval Queue (Booking Management >> Management)
  • Runsheet Activity (Event Management >> Reports)

Analytics Sub Module

A new submodule has been introduced in the Environment Management module, and the following reports have been moved to this module:

  • Deployed Versions
  • Environment Drift
  • Environment Cost (Renamed from IT Proliferation)
  • Tag Matrix

CSV View (Data Brick)

Support for column search has been added to the CSV View, enhancing the usability of this data brick.

Service Dashboard

The Service Dashboard has been enriched with new widgets and a date range capability.

Implementation Insight

This report has been moved to Implementation node

Report Renamed - The following reports has been renamed

  • Manage PI Plans -> Manage PI Milestones
  • Manage Project Plans -> Manage Project Milestones
  • Environment Insight -> Insight - Environment
  • System Insight -> Insight - System
  • Instance Insight -> Insight - Instance
  • Component Insight -> Insight - Component

Post Implementation Review

PIR Module has been redesigned for Release and Projects.

Table View in Gantt Reports

Gantt reports now include a table-style view option for the following reports :

  • PI Master Plan
  • Project Milestones
  • PI Bookings
  • Project Bookings
  • Environment Bookings
  • System Bookings -Component Bookings
  • Project Events

Column Selection

Various reports have been enhanced with the ability to select and hide columns, providing users with more flexibility in customizing the view. Reports with the column selection feature include:

  • Configure Environments
  • Manage Blue Prints
  • PI Activity
  • Manage Release Trains
  • Manage PI Milestones
  • Manage Release Implementation
  • Project Activity
  • WorkItem Insights
  • Manage Projects
  • Manage Project Milestones
  • Manage Project Implementation
  • Manage Workitems
  • Manage Project PIR
  • Booking Activity
  • Booking View
  • Manage Bookings
  • Booking Approval queue
  • Event Insights
  • Manage Events
  • Event Activity
  • Runsheet Activity
  • Service Activity
  • Service Request Insights
  • Manage Servie Requests
  • Access Management
  • Organisation Management
  • Location Management
  • CMDB Management
  • Lab Configuration
  • Information Template Management
  • Data Booking Insights
  • Profile Configuration
  • Mask Configurations
  • Validate Configurations
  • Data Generator
  • Data Source Management
  • Manage Scripts
  • Manage Pipeline

· 2 min read
Jake Cave

3.1 Major Release Items

What's New


  • Database Masking executions can now be paused, resumed, and cancelled.

Kerberos Implementation

  • Now supports Kerberos authentication for MSSQL.

New Classes

  • Now supports JSON profiling and masking.
  • Now supports Parquet profiling and masking.

Data Generator Regex Functions

  • Data can now be generated using user-generated regex functions.

Advanced REST API

  • New API to obtain data such as:
    • Logs
    • Reports/Outputs
    • Metrics
    • And more

Masking Function

  • New function to mask all strings in a fullname. For example, "James Bob Smith" → "Peter Thomas Jane".


File Masking

  • Mismatch in row count between input and output file will now be logged. Since row counts can differ due to bad lines, empty lines, etc.
  • Logs now use ASCII text to clearly display breaks such as pauses and restarts.

Database Masking


  • Will now utilize a chunking feature to break data inserts into blocks of data to increase performance and reduce transaction log.

File Masking - Delimited

  • Enhanced performance when masking multiple large files, along with optimized memory usage.


Database Masking


  • Fixed issue where string values were being skipped if they included quotes.


  • Nothing has been decommissioned.

· One min read
Rohit Gupta

What's New

Service Request Form (Notification List)*

With this new feature, users can now enable input for a notification list that will receive updates regarding any changes made to a ticket.

Booking Request Form (Booking Name)*

This feature allows user to provide their own booking name.

Changes & Enhancements

Project Request Form

The Business Unit field is now optional, and no longer mandatory.

Booking Request Form

The start date will now be automatically set to the current date when selecting a project, instead of a past date.

Configure Environments

Enabled Labels for System Interface Listing.

Package Deployment Tracker (Data Brick)

We have added support for the deployment of packages across multiple system instances of different systems.

Shared URL

Shared URLs for reports can now be bookmarked, and will no longer auto-resolve.

Project Plan

The issue with project creation for projects not linked to PI has been resolved.

Connectivity View (System View)

The incorrect version information has been fixed.

Environment Insight

The report was showing all events for the environment. It has now been fixed to show current events only.

· One min read
Jake Cave


Release Date: 1st April 2023

What's New

Masking Function

  • New function to mask all strings in a fullname. For example, "James Bob Smith" → "Peter Thomas Jane".


File Masking - Fixed Width

  • Fixed issue where malformed first rows were not being masked.
  • Fixed issue where unique ID masking was not working for all pattern types.

File Profiling - Fixed Width

  • Fixed format of output file to match other file types.

Masking - Lookup

  • Changes to obtain TFN lookup more effectively.

DataConnection - Redshift

  • When editing the connection, previously saved information was not being displayed or the save was corrupted.


  • Fixed issue where CSV export for validation reports was displaying 'undefined patterns' when not found.