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Executive Dashboard

Executive Dashboard provides an executive summary of PII in different data sources along with profiling status and execution trend.

TDM Insights

TDM Insight report allows to view the execution status for Profiling/Masking/Validation within a particular selected time period. The data can be filtered based on data source types or labels. This report is useful to visualise compliance status across your different data sources in single view.

Data Connection Insights

Data Connection Insight report allows you to view all information about the selected data source in a single view. To start, select your data source from the dropdown and click on view button. This action will refresh the report and show information about the data sources in different widgets.

The report also allows the data source owner to quickly edit the label information.

Current Execution -- This widget allows to view current executions that are happening on the selected data source. This widget also allows to quickly execute any of the data operations.

Profile Executions -- This widget shows all the past profile execution status.

Masking Executions -- This widget shows all the past masking execution status.

Validation Executions -- This widget shows all the past validation execution status.

PII Splatter Board

PII Splatter board allows to visualise where the PII information has been found across different data sources. To start, select your data source type and the PII Categories which needs to be viewed. This report can be further filtered by labels.

Graphical user interface, website Description automatically

Execution Queue

Execution Queue report allows to view all the current data operation executions (Profiling/Masking/Validation) across your organisation.

Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically

Data Booking Insight

This dashboard allows the user to view the data that has been booked in a data sources in the selected timeframe. This view can be filtered by selecting the required data source.

Graphical user interface, table Description automatically

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Not able to add new data source connection?

Please check your license limit for number of data source limit.

  1. If I add a new database, should I complete a full run through of the workflow?

Yes, you should complete a new full run through of the workflow. Firstly, you require accurate configs, and these can be generated via the execution workflow. Secondly, a run through of the workflow generates an accurate report analysis of the data source. This enables easier management of the database.

  1. How many runs of the workflow should I conduct for a single data source?

One run of the workflow is sufficient if the validation report verifies a successful mask. However, if the database is updated with PII data, the workflow should be executed again.

  1. Should I manually create all my configs?

Although, this is an option, this is highly discouraged. The data compliance applications, use a plethora of complex algorithms to find, analyse and sort data using the pipeline. Therefore, it is most effective to use the pipeline, however, small changes to suit the database is encouraged.