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Rest API Overview

Enov8's REST-API allows you to automatically Create, Update & Read information. Which in turn allows you to integrate other platforms and automation scripts. For example CICD scripts to capture "version", or test automation scripts to capture "health".

Currently the following three types of requests are supported.

  1. POST (Create)

  2. PUT (Update)

  3. GET (Read)



The following will be required before using the Enov8 REST-API

  • The URL of your Enov8 instance


  • An "API KEY" comprising of the following parameters

    • app_id (Application ID)

    • app_key (Application Key)

  • An Enov8 platform user account with the required permissions

    • user_id

Note: That a dedicated "Service User Account" is typically created.

Base64 Encoding

Majority of the payloads required for using ENOV8 API will require base64 encoding. All base64 enconding must be done using UTF-8.

Creating API Token

The following snapshots have been taken from the Ecosystem support portal.

As a System Admin user login to the Enov8 platform and navigate to Configuration Management > System Administration > API Management. Click Add API Key

Graphical user interface, application Description automatically

Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically

Enter your Application ID and click Generate Random Key for your Application Key.

Also select the permissions for the API Key (Read, Create, Update, Delete) Note: Retain these details for future use.

Click Save. You should receive a message saying API Key has been created successfully

Retrieving TDM Objects

Data related to TDM objects can be retrieved from Ecosystem by using a GET REST API call. This API request consists of a URL and header parameters.

URL Structure

The following parameters need to be passed as part of the request header to authenticate the request.

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In addition to these parameters, other headers can be passed to further filter the results and restrict the objects to be retrieved. The Properties field can also be used to specify which keys should be included within each JSON object returned.

For Data Connection objects, some keys that can be used for filtering are Status and Type.

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For Data Execution Results objects, Status and Type can also be used alongside Start Timestamp> which forces objects to have a timestamp after the specified datetime.

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If the request is successful, a status code of 200 will be returned. The response body returned for each TDM object type will have different fields, but every object will contain a unique System ID.

Data Connection JSON

For Data Connection objects, the response body will follow the format below:

"System ID": "eco_id",
"System User": "{user_name}",
"System Time": "{sys_time}",
"Connection Name": "{conn_name}",
"Connection String": "{conn_string}",
"Status": "Active",
"Remediation Status": "",
"Remediated By": **null**,
"Type": "{conn_type}",
"Refresh Date": **null**,
"Profiling Date": "**{profiling_date}**",
"Masking Date": "**{mask_date}**",
"Validation Date": "**{validation_date}**",
"Connection Size": "{conn_size}",
"Tag": "",
"Label": "",
"Agent": "",
"System Component": "{sys_comps}",
"Execution Result": "{data_execs}",
"Data Configuration": "{data_configs}",
"Data SQL": "{data_sql_names}",
"Assigned To": "{assigned_user}",
"Notification": "",
"Organisation": "{org_name}"

However, if filtering is performed using the header included above, it will only contain the specified keys:

    "System ID": "{eco_id}",
    "Connection Name": "{conn_name}"

Data Execution Result example

For Data Execution Result objects, the response body will follow the format below:

"System ID": "{eco_id}",
"System User": "{user_name}",
"System Time": "{sys_time}",
"Percentage Completed": "{percen_comp}",
"Status": "{scan_status}",
"Remediation Status": "",
"Remediated By": null,
"Type": "{scan_type}",
"Priority": "",
"Start Timestamp": "{start_time}",
"End Timestamp": "{end_time}",
"Executed By": null,
"Data Configuration": "{config_name}",
"Data Connection": "{conn_name}",
"Results": "{scan_results}",
"Logs": "{scan_logs}",
"JSON": "{json_results}",
"Source ID": "{source_id}",
"Organisation": "{org_name}"

Using the header included above, the response body would contain only the specified keys:

    "System ID": "{eco_id}",
    "Status": "Passed",
    "Type": "{scan_type}",
    "Start Timestamp": "{start_time}"

Multiple objects found

If the API request finds multiple TDM objects for a given type, it will return a list of these objects instead:

        "System ID": "{eco_id1}",
        "Connection Name": "{conn_name1}"
        "System ID": "{eco_id2}",
        "Connection Name": "{conn_name2}"

Updating TDM Objects

Once the System ID for an object has been obtained, it can be updated using a PUT REST API call. This API request consists of a URL, header parameters and a request body.

URL Structure

{ecosystem api url}/DataConnection

{ecosystem api url}/DataConfiguration

{ecosystem api url}/DataExecutionResult


The following parameters need to be passed as part of the request header to authenticate the request.

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The request body should contain the System ID of the TDM object as well as any other fields that should be updated.

For example, to update the Status of a Data Configuration object to Active the following body should be used:

    "System ID": "{sys_id}",
    "Status": "Active"


If updating a TDM object is successful, a status code of 200 and the following body will be returned:

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This contains the updated object's System ID as well as the body that was passed in the PUT request.

Creating TDM Objects

TDM objects can be created in Ecosystem using a POST REST API call. This API request consists of a URL, header parameters and a request body.

URL Structure

{ecosystem api url}/DataConnection

{ecosystem api url}/DataConfiguration

{ecosystem api url}/DataExecutionResult


The following parameters need to be passed as part of the request header to authenticate the request.

A picture containing chart Description automatically


The request body for each TDM object will have a different JSON format. Here, the JSON required for creating a Data Connection object has been explained in detail.

Data Connection example

For creating a Data Connection object, the JSON format below should be used:

    "Connection Name": "{connection_name}",
    "Type": "{database_type}",
    "Status": "Active",
    "Assigned To": "{eco_id_of_group}",
    "Organisation": "{eco_id_of_org}",
    "Connection String": "{connection_string_payload}"

IMPORTANT: All base64 encoding must be done using UTF-8.

FieldDescriptionFormat / Examples
Connection NameUnique name given to Data Connection objectAny unique string
TypeType of DataConnection objectAny supported type e.g., MySQL, MSSQL, File - Delimited
StatusStatus of DataConnection, should be set to Active on creationShould be Active, Inactive or Deleted
Assigned ToAssigned user or groupEcosystem object ID e.g. ECO-000000000001
OrganisationEcosystem organisationEcosystem object ID e.g. ECO-000000000001
Connection StringConnection String PayloadMore detail below

Example payload:

"Connection Name": "csv_file",
"Type": "File - Delimited",
"Status": "Active",
"Assigned To": "ECO-000000004182",
"Organisation": "ECO-000000003945",
"Connection String": "{\"File Path\":\"L3BhdGhGdGV8Vm1zZS50eHQ=\",\"File Delimiter\":\"\\\\t\",\"File Header\":\"WWVz\",\"Header Count\":\"MQ==\",\"Footer Count\":\"MA==\",\"File Quote\":\"\"}"

Connection String field

The Connection String field contains a base 64 encoded JSON that is required for the creation of Data Connection objects. Each field in this JSON is also base 64 encoded. This field should have a different format depending on the Data Connection Type being added. To better understand this field, two examples have been provided.

MSSQL example

For MSSQL Data Connection objects, the Connection String JSON should be formatted as follows:

"Server": "{b64_encoded_server}",
"Username": "{b64_encoded_username}",
"Password": "{b64_encoded_password}",
"Database": "{b64_encoded_database}",
"Port": "{b64_encoded_port}",
"Authentication Mechanism": "{b64_encoded_auth_mech}",
"Certificate Authentication File Path": "{b64_encoded_cert_auth_fp}",
"Client Certificate File Path": "{b64_encoded_client_cert_fp}",
"Certificate Key File Path": "{b64_encoded_cert_key_fp}"

All base64 enconding must be done using UTF-8.

This JSON would then need to be converted into a string to send as the value for the Connection String key in the Data Connection payload (as shown below):

"{\"Server\":\"{b64_encoded_server}\",\"Username\":\"{b64_encoded_username}\",\"Password\":\"{b64_encoded_password}\",\"Database\":\"{b64_encoded_db}\",\"Port\":\"{b64_encoded_port}\",\"Authentication Mechanism\":\"{b64_encoded_auth_mech}\",\"Certificate Authentication File Path\":\"{b64_encoded_cert_auth_fp}\",\"Client Certificate File Path\":\"{b64_encoded_client_cert_fp}\",\"Certificate Key File Path\":\"{b64_encoded_cert_key_fp}\"}"

Additionally, they are two types of Authentication Mechanisms: Username and Password and SSL. If using username and password, SSL parameters can be ignored.

File - Delimited example

For File - Delimited Data Connection objects, the Connection String JSON should be formatted as shown below:

JSON Body:

"File Path": "{b64_file_path}",
"File Delimiter": "{b64_delimiter}",
"File Header": "{b64_whether_header}",
"Header Count": "{b64_num_header_rows}",
"Footer Count": "{b64_num_footer_rows}",
"File Quote": "{b64_file_quote}"

Payload Example:

"File Path": "L3BhdGhGdGV8Vm1zZS50eHQ=",
"File Delimiter": "\\t",
"File Header": "WWVz",
"Header Count": "MQ==",
"Footer Count": "MA==",
"File Quote": ""

NOTE: As with the MSSQL type, this JSON should be converted to a string to produce the correct value for the Connection String field.


If the creation of a TDM object is successful, a status code of 201 and the following body will be returned:

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This contains the created object's System ID as well as the body that was passed in the POST request.

Testing Connection

To check that a Data Connection object's details are correct, an API request can be sent to test the connection.

URL Structure

{ecosystem api url}/dcstestconnection


The following parameters need to be passed as part of the request header to authenticate the request.

A picture containing chart Description automatically


There are two different request bodies that can be passed to test the connection to a Data Connection object. The first of these includes the Connection String of the Data Connection whilst the second uses the System ID for the Data Connection object in EcoSystem. To build a Base 64 encoded Connection String, see this section.

USING Connection String:

"database_type": "{db_type}",
"org_id": "{org_id}",
"user_eco_id": "{user_id}",
"connection_string": "{b64_encoded_json}"

USING Connection ID:

"database_type": "{db_type}",
"org_id": "{org_id}",
"user_eco_id": "{user_id}",
"connection_id": "{dataconn_id}"


If the Data Connection details are correct and the database / file can be accessed, a status code of 200 and the following response body will be returned:

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Executing Profiling

TDM profiling can be executed using a POST REST API Call to Ecosystem. This API request consists of a URL, header parameters and a request body.

Obtaining required System IDs

To execute profiling via the Ecosystem REST API, the System ID is needed for several fields in the request body.

"configuration_id": "{config_id}",
"organisation_id": "{org_id}",
"user_eco_id": "{user_id}",
"assigned_to": "{assigned_group}",
"connection_id": "{dataconn_id}"

For the Organisation, User and Assigned To fields, these System IDs can be obtained via the Ecosystem frontend search bar.

However, the System ID for TDM objects (Data Connection and Data Configuration) must be obtained via a GET request to Ecosystem or from the POST request used to create the object. For details on how to perform these requests, see the Retrieving Object ID and Creating Objects sections.

URL Structure

Given that all System IDs have been obtained, profiling can be executed using a POST request to the following URL.

{ecosystem api url}/rundcs


As with the other requests, the following headers are required for authentication

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The request body should follow the JSON format shown below, where each field uses the object's Ecosystem System ID.

"configuration_id": "{config_id}",
"organisation_id": "{org_id}",
"user_eco_id": "{user_id}",
"assigned_to": "{assigned_group}",
"connection_id": "{dataconn_id}"


If the profiling execution is successful, a status code of 200 and the following body will be returned:

Graphical user interface, application Description automatically

Executing Masking

TDM masking can also be executed using a POST REST API Call to Ecosystem. This API request consists of a URL, header parameters and a request body.

Preparing Masking Config

Following the execution of profiling, a masking config will be automatically created in Ecosystem. This masking config must be updated prior to masking execution and the System ID must be obtained.

To obtain the System ID for this config, a request should be performed to retrieve the Data Configuration object as described in the Retrieving Object ID section. This request should contain additional headers to further filter the results, such as Status, Type and Data Connection name in the screenshot below.

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Once the System ID for the mask config has been obtained, the Status can be updated via a PUT request as described in the Updating Objects section.

URL Structure

Given that all System IDs have been obtained, masking is executed using a POST request to the following URL.

{ecosystem api url}/rundcs


As with the other requests, the following headers are required for authentication

A picture containing chart Description automatically


The request body should follow the JSON format shown below, where each field uses the object's Ecosystem System ID.

"configuration_id": "{config_id}",
"organisation_id": "{org_id}",
"user_eco_id": "{user_id}",
"assigned_to": "{assigned_group}",
"connection_id": "{dataconn_id}"


If the masking execution is successful, a status code of 200 and the following body will be returned:

Graphical user interface, application Description automatically

Executing Validation

TDM validation can also be executed using a POST REST API Call to Ecosystem. This API request consists of a URL, header parameters and a request body.

Preparing Config

For validation scans, both masking (RECOMMENDED) and validation configs can be used:

Retrieve the masking config using instructions here.

NOTE: If using validation config, change type from "Mask" to "Validate". However, it is important to note that support for validation configs will soon be discontinue, so it is highly recommended to use masking configs.

Once the System ID for the mask config has been obtained, the Status can be updated via a PUT request as described in the Updating Objects section.

URL Structure

Given that all System IDs have been obtained, masking is executed using a POST request to the following URL.

{ecosystem api url}/rundcs


As with the other requests, the following headers are required for authentication

A picture containing chart Description automatically


The request body should follow the JSON format shown below, where each field uses the object's Ecosystem System ID.

"configuration_id": "{config_id}",
"organisation_id": "{org_id}",
"user_eco_id": "{user_id}",
"assigned_to": "{assigned_group}",
"connection_id": "{dataconn_id}",
"type": "Validate"


If the masking execution is successful, a status code of 200 and the following body will be returned:

Graphical user interface, application Description automatically

Generating TDM Report

URL Structure

A TDM report for a data source connection

{dcs api url}/query/generate_TDM_overview


The request body should follow the JSON format below:

"connection_id": "{connection_id}",
"filters": [
"Exec Scan - Stage 1",

In the JSON request body above, the filters list is used to specify the types of operations you want to apply. Each element in the filters array represents a specific filter or operation to be executed. You can remove specific sections from the report by removing the corresponding filter from the filters list.


If the report is generated successfully, a status code of 200 and the following body will be returned:

"Details": {"Pre-Scan": "Passed", "Profile": "Passed"}, "Overall Status": "Passed", "Output":
"{dcs url}/reports/out/{data connection id}_yyyy-mm-dd_hh:ss_TDMReport.pdf"

The output link can be used to access the report PDF.